We are Your partner for the best copyright protection in Italy.

Why shouldn't you get paid for your creativity?


Copyright infringement or the unauthorized use of your creative work harms you twice:

  • Firstly, if you are not adequately financially compensated for your work;
  • Secondly, if the buyer of the rights to your creative work sees that your work, which he has acquired from you - perhaps with exclusive rights - is being used by others on websites and social media for a wide variety of purposes (without payment and permission). Thus, the relationship of trust between you and your client is significantly disturbed, and in the worst case, you lose the buyer and client forever.

Everyone who works has a right to adequate remuneration and to the protection of their work.

What do we do for you?

The team from Web Forensic offers rights holders for their creative works protected by copyright law the search for illegal use of their intellectual property on the Internet.

If the search is successful, evidence that can be used in court is created, documenting the illegal use of the copyrighted material in a legally secure manner.

Subsequently, the Italian lawyer of the Web Forensic team sends a cease-and-desist letter demanding the cessation of the illegal conduct and the payment of appropriate compensation, as well as the reimbursement of the lawyer's fees and the costs of the documentation.

These services are provided on a contingency fee basis. This means that the costs are only paid in the event of success, i.e. if the infringer pays the rights of the author or copyright holder.

Adequacy of the claims.

We do not help our clients to make new and unexpected profits or to maximize their profits with lawsuits and warnings, but solely to ensure that they are fairly remunerated for their work. We charge the same price as if you had offered the user the use of your intellectual work for sale.

Since there are no fixed price lists or tariffs to refer to, the criteria of case law will help. There must be no lack of common sense, fairness and right measure.

In the event of success, the copyright holder/owner of the rights receives the agreed or acknowledged amount without any deduction by Web Forensic.

Our objectives

Web search for unauthorized use of copyrighted works;

Forensic documentation of the use of copyright infringements on the Internet;

Attempts are always made to reach an out-of-court solution in order to reach a fair agreement and resolution with the party responsible for the unlawful use of copyrighted material.

Our service is offered on a success-oriented basis;

Fair and reasonable remuneration claims made in accordance with the principles of Italian jurisprudence, SIAE tariffs and legal and professional ethics rules;

Legal assistance in copyright infringement cases before the local judicial authority at reasonable rates.

Activity with primarily focus in Italy and with partner lawyers in Germany and many other EU countries.

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